Business Life Transition Radio Show

Business Life Transition Radio Show Interview

Business Life Transition Radio Show

Jeff Klingberg discusses bringing ‘sexy’ back to U.S. manufacturing.

On Monday, March 17th, Jeff Klingberg, President/CEO of Mountain Stream Group, was on the BLT — Business Life Transition radio show on the Blog Talk Radio network talking with Jan Mariano and Brian Basilico about how to bring ‘sexy’ back to manufacturing through science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. Click here to listen in at Business Life Transition radio.

Industrial Marketing: Can Social Media Play a Role? Can Social Media Work?

Industrial Marketing: Can Social Media Play a Role? Can Social Media Work?

Industrial Marketing: Can Social Media Play a Role? Can Social Media Work?

These and many similar questions  are being asked and debated across the industrial marketing spectrum.  And, there is no clear consensus.

The following is a look at why the answer might be maybe.

1.  Fear is holding back adoption.

In general engineers don’t have a lot of spare time on their hands.  Part of the reason for the lack of time on their hands to engage in social networking can be attributed to their inability to get to social media. The SAE International’s Do mobility engineers use social media? study surveyed nearly 1200 members and found only 55% said they use social media for work and only 52% of companies permit social media use during business hours.

Additionally, MarketingProfs What Works in 2011: B2B Marketing report finds that the number of companies restricting social media use is growing. Facebook, while the most popular of the social networking channels, is also the most blocked by companies.

Security and over exposure of information are the Top 2 fears of companies according to McAfee Inc.’s Web 2.0: A Complex Balancing Act – The First Global Study on Web 2.0 Usage, Risks and Best Practices Report. The study found over 60% of the respondents stated their company suffered losses averaging of $2 million related to security issues.

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Mountain Stream Group Illustration - White Hydraulics

Portfolio Update: White Hydraulics Ad Illustration

White Hydraulics Ad Illustration

Mountain Stream Group created this illustration for White Hydraulics (now known as White Drive Products) for use in an print advertisement.

Ortman Fluid Power 3TH Cross Reference Guide

Portfolio Update: Ortman Fluid Power Cross Reference Guide

Ortman Fluid Power 3TH Cross Reference Guide

Mountain Stream Group’s development of this 4-page cross reference guide for the Ortman Fluid Power 3TH Series cylinder line started with an Internet search to ascertain all the manufacturers of NFPA heavy-duty, hydraulic cylinders. Next, we downloaded catalog information about the part number coding for the various mounting styles, identified the series name and available bore sizes and then put the data into the easy to read table.


In The Nick Of Time: Science Cheerleaders!

Science! Science! Science!

Cheerleaders for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)? Absolutely! It’s about time!

The United States is at a crossroads. Battling for its survival, and desperately needs a quintessential American pep rally.

We can’t secure a prosperous future without innovation, science, and technology. But, we have three major STEM problems — rapid retirement, supply lags demand and kids aren’t interested.

Between 2004 and 2014, it is estimated a half million engineers will retire, but EngineeringTrends, an engineering education consulting group, reports that engineering supply lags demand by 7 years in the United States.

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